Prioritizing Mental Health in Work: Why It Matters and How to Do It

As ambitious professionals in the fast lane, we're often oblivious to the warning signs of burnout, pushing ourselves to the limit until we're faced with a crisis. This topic came to life during a profound discussion in our member's Slack group, where the spotlight was on the critical nature of mental health days. (The conversation bloomed from a comment about one members’ young son asking if he could just take a mental health day….) Far from being a luxury, mental health days are a fundamental component of maintaining balance while dealing with the pressures of deadlines and work demands.

A member in a leadership position within their company revealed their strategy for combating workplace stress. They encourage colleagues to embrace impromptu breaks whenever symptoms of stress or burnout are apparent. This forward-thinking policy, rooted in leadership's trust, has yielded positive outcomes not just for individual employees, but also for the company's collective health.

Moreover, we heard from another member who struggled to identify their own burnout symptoms until it was too late for quick fixes like an afternoon off. By the time they acknowledged the issue, the path to recovery had become significantly longer, impacting both their professional performance and personal happiness.

So, when it's time to take a step back for your mental well-being, how should you communicate this to your employer or clients? Let it be simple: "I'm dedicating a day to re-energize and focus on my mental health. I'll be back in the office at ____ date." The reality is that most work we do, even with deadlines and project timelines, is not life-alteringly critical, and taking a break very rarely has long term negative consequences. At least, not any more negative than damaged mental health. It's about time we made mental health care as routine as physical fitness.

Strategic Mental Health Breaks:

  • Connect with Nature: Eject yourself from the workstation orbit and land in the tranquility of the outdoors. A leisurely nature stroll can be the perfect antidote to a cluttered mind and spiraling stress levels.

  • Zen Den Meditation: Diving into mindfulness through meditation can act as a sanctuary for your thoughts. At CoHo, our Zen Den is specifically designed for moments when you need to dial down the noise and recharge the spirit.

  • Digital Detox: Hit the pause button on the digital barrage for a while. Silence your notifications, put your phone in your bag, and focus on just one thing at a time. A temporary disconnection can stem the tide of information overload and gift your mind the peace it deserves.

The CoHo experience transcends the conventional workspace—it's a barrier against the solitude-driven mental health challenges of remote work. Here, a community of peers is always within reach, ready to provide a gentle nudge to remind you to decelerate, savor the fresh air, and center your mind. We reinforce work-life boundaries, safeguarding against the temptation to engage in 'just one more' work session late into the night, a typical snare for those whose office is also their sanctuary. Moreover, CoHo's rhythm instills a cadence of healthful routines, fostering good habits that benefit both mind and body. Incorporating simple, daily exercises such as enjoying lunch breaks, indulging in casual banter, or pausing for a quick stretch, can profoundly support your mental health.

Together, let's champion this movement of placing mental health at the forefront of our professional ethos, one day at a time. Normalize for yourself and for your team, a culture that supports mental health.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Hit reply or come chat with us over on Instagram.

Kristin Hardwick